Oncology Day

Monday 5th of November, from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm.

British Hospital Auditorium
Morales Polyclinic
Morales 2578, 3rd floor

Special guest: Prof Dr. Eduardo Osinaga. 

Associate Professor (Grade 5) of the Department of Immunobiology, UDELAR School of Medicine. Topics:

Accreditations. Management of febrile neutropenia, discussion of an Institutional guideline.

Exponents: Prof. Dr. Jorge Facal and Dr. Carolina Oliver. Coordination by: Prof Adj Dr. Lyber Saldombide.

Immunotherapy in Cancer. What changed for cancer immunotherapy to have a clinical impact?

Exponent: Prof Dr. Eduardo Osinaga.

The new frontier in the treatment of cancer.

Exponent: Prof Adj Dr. Luis Ubillos.

General coordination: Prof Agdo Dr. Mario Varangot.

Addressed to: Department of Medicine, Medical Group and Nursing Staff.

Limited places.

Free registration: emc@hospitalbritanico.org.uy   See image gallery  

De izquierda a derecha: Prof. Adj. Dr. Luis Ubillos, Prof. Agdo. Dr. Mario Varangot

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